Through our functionality, you can remove accented characters from your output. See how each option works:
Remove accents, the default option. When you paste your text in the field above, you will already see the transformed result without accents in the field to the right. Remember, you can uncheck the option to use the other removal formats.
Remove numbers, by activating this option, the tool will remove all numbers present in your text, that is, numerical characters from 0 to 9.
Keep letters and numbers, in this option, you will have as a result your text containing only letters and numbers, that is, everything that comprises from A to Z and 0 to 9. Here, any type of character different from this will be removed.
Remove punctuation, in this case, the tool will remove only the following characters:
Remove specific character, in this last option, you can remove a character from the text. When using this option, the tool will delete the character you provided from your text. No other character will be placed in its place. If you want to replace a character or word for another character, we recommend using our find and replace tool.