Find and Replace

Terms found:0
Superseded Terms:0

How to replace text?

To use the tool, simply indicate in the field Text to be found which term you want to be found in your text, then enter in the field  ;Replace with the value you want to place in the location of the searched word.

Finally, simply paste or type the text where the terms to be located and replaced are and the tool will update the fields automatically.

If necessary, you can click the Replace button so that your text is updated with the new desired term.

It is important to remember that our tool is case sensitive, that is, it distinguishes between upper and lower case letters, as well as accented or unaccented terms, so only terms that are exactly the same as the ones you inform in the fields above.

Another highlight is, you can replace a term with a blank space, thus making the routine like a find and remove, to do this, simply enter the term to be found and the text, leaving the replace field with blank.

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