Convert Weeks to Days

How many weeks do you want to convert?


Converted weeks

How to convert weeks to days?

To convert weeks to days, simply multiply the number of weeks by 7, for example:

How many days are there in 4 weeks?

4 x 7 = 28

Therefore, in 4 weeks we have 28 days.

Day of the week and week of the year function in Excel

There are some formulas to identify the day of the week in Excel, it could be the function TEXT() or WEEKDAY()

Using the text formula: =TEXT(NOW(); "dddd"), the result will be the day of the week in full, executing this function, the result will be: .

This same function can also return abbreviated values, to do this, just change the format, from "dddd" to "ddd", see:

=TEXT(NOW(); "ddd"), the result will be: 

Now if the intention is to return in numbers, for example, 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday and so on, the WEEKDAY() function is used, see:

=WEEKDAY(NOW();1), the result will be values from 1 to 7, being:

  1. Sunday
  2. Monday
  3. Tuesday
  4. Wednesday
  5. Thursday
  6. Friday
  7. Saturday

In the function, I used today's date as a parameter, but it is possible to enter a specific date, just enter it, and the second parameter in which I entered the value 1 indicates the function so that the week starts on a Sunday.

Next, to identify the number of the week we are in or the number of the week on a given date, we use the function WEEKNUM().


In the example above we used the function to identify the week number we are in today, but you can change it by passing a date as a parameter.

Weeks to Days Conversion Table


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