Convert Text to Slug

What text will be converted to slug?

Your Friendly URL (slug)

What is a slug?

Slug is the name given to the specific address of a website, it is like the name of a folder inside your computer, I bring this example from the computer, because the root address of the website is not a slug itself, for example:

C:\Program Files, in this exampleProgram Filesis our slug, but without a separator, now let's see it in a website format:, here the snippetconvert-text-to-slugis our slug.

Note that, in the analogy with the computer, we do not mention C: and on the website we do not mention, this is because such information is not a slug, the set as a whole forms the url, but a slug is only the snippet that identifies a specific path.

What is the slug for and why is it important for SEO?

The slug is for search engines, such as Google and Bing, to read your site more easily, and also for users, see an example of a non-friendly URL for a friendly one:

Unfriendly URLFriendly URL

Note that reading the url in a slug friendly format is much easier to read. In the example above we used the hyphen as a separator, but it is also possible to use the underscore (or underscore), see another example:

Original textSlug with HyphenSlug with Underline
Text in Slugtext-in-slugtext_in_slug
Text in friendly urltext-in-friendly-urltext_in_friendly_url

Above you can see that all text is turned to lower case, and accents are removed, this is url rules.

SEO best practices for slug usage

  1. You can use the hyphen or underscore as a separator, it's up to you, but it is recommended to use the hyphen.
  2. Your slug should be short and direct, you don't need to explain in the slug what the user will find on that page, just briefly indicate. For example, use instead of, here, less is more.
  3. Avoid using numbers, especially when your content is something like "5 tips for...", because you can edit this content, and what were 5 tips can become 8, which can force a change in the url.