Calculate Age

Date of birth:

Birthday cake
Your age

Enter your date of birth and find out your age in years, months and days.

Next Birthday
Next Birthday

Find out how many days are left until your next birthday.

Day of the week

Enter your date of birth and see which day of the week you were born.


Know which generation you belong to.


Find out what your sign is, just enter your date of birth.

Your heart

Find out how many times your heart has beat.

Average of 80 beats per minute or 115,200 beats per day.


Do you know how many hours you've slept in your life?

Average 6 hours a day.


Find out how many liters of water you've drunk on average.

Average of 1.5 liters per day.


Oxygen is measured in liters, how many have you breathed?

Average of 550 liters per day.


Bald or hairy, how many strands of hair have you lost?

Average of 115 hairs lost per day.


Do you know how many times you've blinked in your life?

Average of 20 times per minute.

Who is born on February 29 only has a birthday every 4 years?

It would be nice, but no, people born on February 29th can choose to celebrate their birthday on February 28th or March 1st, the cool thing is, the person can celebrate their birthday two days in a row.

How to calculate age in Excel?

To calculate your age based on the date of birth in Excel you will use the DATADIF function, let's see an example in which based on the date of birth we will calculate the age in years, months and days:

=DATEDIF(Y1;TODAY();"y")&" years, "&DATEDIF(Y1;TODAY();"ym")& " months and "& DATEDIF(Y1;TODAY(); "md")& " day(s)"

Now let's explain each part of the function:

1st - You should note that the date of birth needs to be in cell A1;

2º -=DATADIF(A1;TODAY();"y")this part of the code will return the age in years, it already works, this is because the function calculates the difference, that is why the name date dif, it receives three parameters, the initial date which in this case is in cell A1, which would be the final date, in this case we use the function to return the current date, today(), and as we want the result, in the example we want it in y (years);

3rd - In the sequence we have the use of concatenators, or parameters that allow me to join the fields and form a sentence, they are represented by&" anos, " &, joining years with :& " months and "months and finally& " day(s)"the days.

4º - After the year concatenation we have the sectionDATADIF(A1;HOJE();"ym"), note that the function is the same, what changes is just the parameter, now ym, which will return the difference of months disregarding the years, in short it calculates how many months have passed since the date of birth until today disregarding the years .

5th - Finally, we again use DATEDIF to calculate the days,DATEDIF(A1;TODAY();"md"), note that the parameter changes again, now md is used, which will return the days disregarding the months, just as we did with the months.

How do I know how many days are left until my birthday?

Using our calculator above, just enter your date of birth and we'll show you how many days are left until your next birthday.

Now if you want to do this in excel, for example, you can use the same function that we mentioned above, the DATADIF, just inverting the parameters, something like=DATADIF(TODAY();A1;"d"), the inversion we made was in the initial date parameter, informing the current date, so Excel will check, from today, until the date in cell A1, in days, how much it is.